flare Emerging Tech & Topics
Welcome to the Metaverse
26-01-2022 13:00 – 14:00

One might think today’s society is driven by technology. But in fact, we’re only getting started. The world is about to move into the 3rd generation of the internet. New infrastructure of this Spatial Web is being built as we speak and once deployed, it will use technologies like augmented reality, blockchain and internet of things to interconnect and enhance most physical experiences. In this next decade, physical and digital will merge and form the Metaverse. Let Sven take you on a journey through where that Metaverse currently stands and what it will mean for our future.


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Sven Van de Perre

Creative Director Tropos AR


πŸ“… 26-01-2022 13:00 – 14:00


🌍 Nederlands




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