insights Data & Ai
Decision Capability: uitbouwen van uitlegbare beslissingsmodellen
17-04-2023 13:00 – 14:00

Decision models contribute significantly to the description of the requirements and the logic of operational business decisions and processes. The Decision Model and Notation (DMN) standard allows automating these decisions. The current scope of decision support, however, is not limited to making the decision. It is also possible to explain the decision-making knowledge in a reliable, user-friendly way.

This session illustrates how an automatic chatbot for DMN models can lead to explainable decisions and useful customer service, using natural language processing and various forms of reasoning. This gives business customers more transparency and trust in the decision process, without expensive and uneffective customer support.


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Jan Vanthienen

Full professor at KU Leuven


📅 17-04-2023 13:00 – 14:00


🌍 Nederlands




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