flare Emerging Tech & Topics
Sustainable IT
02-06-2021 13:00 – 14:00

The environmental and social impacts of the digital technology are not at all virtual. This sector, which allows for reductions in the environmental footprint in various fields, is also responsible for more than 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions and the sharp increase in uses suggests a doubling of this carbon footprint by 2025. Similarly, IT can be both a factor of integration and of social exclusion.

The Belgian Institute for Sustainable IT vzw offers you an introduction to Sustainable IT via some key figures and orders of magnitude of the IT life cycle, the footprint of our equipment and our digital uses. You will then get an overview of concrete actions to be taken. Everyone can act at their level: extend the life of their equipment, choose their equipment to reduce energy consumption, manage differently their data, create accessible and inclusive services, etc.

This is valid for commercial companies, which are beginning to realize that there is an economic and competitive interest in defining and implementing a Sustainable IT strategy. But it is just as valid for public services and associations: whether it is to fulfil their role of exemplarity in environmental and social matters, to increase their audience or to offer their services to as many people as possible. The European Union is injecting massive amounts of cash through the Green Deal and the EU Next Gen programs; a good chunk of it relates to sustainability and digital transition. The whole IT supply chain will be impacted by this, adapting fast will be key. Start now, don't miss this opportunity to catch the first train while you still can.


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Olivier Vergeynst

Director – Belgian Institute for Sustainable IT vzw


📅 02-06-2021 13:00 – 14:00


🌍 Engels




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